PowerLesson + Flipped Channels = Total Flipped Learning

Flipped Channels was launched in 2015 in response to educators' increasing attention towards 'flipped learning'. It is a platform for teachers to effortlessly create videos or manage external videos to engage students throughout the pre-lesson, in-lesson and post-lesson stages. It also gathers students' learning data in real time to help teachers deliver a more effective lesson.

Build Your Flipped Channel in 4 Simple Steps

1 Film a Short Tutorial

Film your content with the built-in camera on eClass Teacher App or PowerLesson App, with a smartphone or tablet

2 Upload the Video

Upload the video onto Flipped Channel

3 Embed Other Online Videos

Curate and embed other educational videos for the school's video bank


Insert subtitles and reference materials to help students comprehend the content

Set up a quiz within the video to test students' understanding


Three portals for saving and sharing videos: personal channel, school channel and inter-school channel

Get 5GB of free cloud storage now to build your own Flipped Channel !

Use Flipped Channel for pre-study

Teachers produce their own tutorials or upload others' via mobile devices

  • Link videos from other online sources to the school's video bank
  • Insert subtitles and reference materials to help students comprehend the content
  • Set up a quiz within the video to test students' understanding
Plan a lesson according to students' pre-study progress
  • Design a pre-lesson quiz/exercise on PowerLesson
  • Analyse students' learning progress based on their pre-lesson performance, and make the best use of class time to tackle their weakness and consolidate their knowledge
Conduct a student-centric interactive lesson
  • Under teachers' guidance, students participate in class activities through interactive tools on PowerLesson (eg. voting, concept map, creative tools)
  • The tools are powerful in stimulating creativity, gathering data, exchanging comments, cooperative learning and catering differences in learning ability
Pave the way for independent learning
  • Students do revisions by referring back to the activities they have done before and during the lesson, which are all saved on PowerLesson
  • Teachers design post-lesson activities to help students internalise what they have learned



每逢學期尾,師生要為追趕課程疲於奔命,更可能要在暑假作大量補課,但 聖伯多祿中學葉文昊老師就表示無有怕!當中有什麼玄機?立即看看葉Sir 的翻轉秘訣!



不少老師們花盡心思,透過多元化的教學活動,務求提升學生學習興趣。慈雲山聖文德天主教小學‬ 陳美玲老師設計多個趣味互動活動,讓整個課堂瀰漫著歡樂的氣氛,一起來看看!