BBC micro:bit

Learning to code has become a must for the young generation. If you cannot code, you will be considered as illiterates some day. In light of the advocacy of STEM education, and the growing popularity of BBC micro:bit in Hong Kong, eClass has organised a number of BBC micro:bit teacher training workshops so as to…


Time-saving Process, Effective System, Cloud Support eAdmission is specially designed for kindergartens which often face admission challenges in distributing application forms, over-subscriptions and long queues, etc. The system is a one-stop service of managing online application, parent notification, interview arrangement and admission approval, with features such as excessive applicants measures and 'one registration per applicant'.…

PowerLesson 2

Educators have been searching for a viable eLearning solution as the number of WiFi campus in Hong Kong is growing. Today, eClass has already helped more than 100 schools apply eLearning to their curriculum with PowerLesson. The upgraded PowerLesson 2, launched in 2016, comes in a brand new appearance added with even more powerful functions. It…

Flipped Channels

PowerLesson + Flipped Channels = Total Flipped Learning Flipped Channels was launched in 2015 in response to educators' increasing attention towards 'flipped learning'. It is a platform for teachers to effortlessly create videos or manage external videos to engage students throughout the pre-lesson, in-lesson and post-lesson stages. It also gathers students' learning data in real…

eClass MDM

Manage class activities through simple operations View every student's tablet screen at the same time Ensure everyone is participating Lesson Enhancement Lesson Enhancement Administrative Functions Administrative Functions


eInventory資產管理系統可讓學校有系統地儲存及管理學校資產資料。為配合學校的行政需要,eInventory現支援條碼打印機及在線及離線掃瞄器,方便學校一站式處理資產管理工作。 自製條碼貼紙 為方便學校進行盤點,學校可添置條碼打印機,為資產編排及列印條碼,有系統地整理及存儲資產資料至eInventory。 在線及離線進行資產盤點 於在線網絡環境下,負責同工可以配備條碼掃瞄器進行盤點,掃瞄器一般可選擇有線、红外線或藍牙等與電腦連接,所讀取的數據可直接傳到eInventory作即時記錄。 學校的物資遍佈各處,負責同工有可能身處沒有網絡環境的地方處理資產。為方便盤點的工作,eInventory亦支援離線模式,負責同工只須配備離線掃瞄器,便可進行離線盤點。完成後,只須將掃瞄器連接到eInventory,資料便可即時匯入系統,過程簡易便捷。


影印及列印管理系統提供一站式校園文件管理方案,配合智能卡使用,助學校自動處理學生的列印配額管理及零碎的影印收費工作。 自動化收取影印費用,直接從學生帳戶中扣數 列印收費管理,以便相關同工預設師生的列印配額 收費結算紀錄,讓家長及學生於系統內檢視其列印用量及支出 減省同工工作量,毋須再以紙筆結算收費紀錄,並以人手處理零碎的影印及列印收費找贖 如學校有額外配置eClass iFolder,同工可從影印機直接掃瞄文件至iFolder內,方便處理文件