ePayment enables the school to handle all money transactions electronically. The safe and reliable system provides clear and detailed records for every account. Safe and Reliable Payment Method The Smart Card, which has no cash value stored and not applicable for transactions outside the campus, effectively prevents misappropriation and theft Simple Top-Up Cash, cheques, bank deposits or PPS No…
eAttendance records the attendance of students and teaching staff to help reduce the administrative workload. The system fully integrates with eClass SmartCard and supports direct import of data to WebSAMS, so that complex data-input procedures are no longer needed. eAttendance for Students Flexible Reporting Time Setting Customise the reporting time to fit any timetable, by…
Famous novels of all time helping students develop their moral and critical senses while learning English Features: Rich infographics to visualize complicated background information English Classics made easy with precise preview for sections Embedded glossary with text-to-speech pronunciation
iTextbook for Guided Poetry Writing Features: Introduction to 10 common types of poems and songs Stepwise guide to various types of poetry writing Preparing for the DSE elective “Poems and Songs” module Focus Skills: Learning to write different types of poem Acquiring skills to use English in creative ways
3-level iTextbook for Listening and Speaking Skills Enhancement Features: Authentic sound tracks and videos Phonological and lexical exercises for speaking Focus Skills Listening for main ideas Listening for details and specific information Building phonological and lexical knowledge
3-level iTextbook for Strengthening Reading Skill and Building Vocabulary Base Features: Articles with voice-over features Practice for comprehension skills in pre-reading and post-reading stages Focus Skills: Skimming and Scanning Identifying reading structure Separating subjectivity from objectivity
English readers with a wide variety of topics and localized themes Features: Readers categorized into 5 levels according to difficulty and complexity Voice-over feature for every title Post-reading worksheets for enhancing students’ reading skills
Engaging stories in diverse levels and categories suitable for both at-home and in-class reading Features: Various categories including comedy,adventure, thriller, science fiction etc. Worksheets for pre-reading and post-reading stages Movie-like audio recordings
Interesting stories with interactivity providing young readers’ immersive reading experience Features: Adapted Classics and Original Stories of various levels Interactive elements to enhance learning efficacy Specially-designed interactive learning activities
3-level iTextbook for Enhancing Grammar Skills Features: Illustrate target grammar structure through clear study tables Extensive grammar tasks and self-tests to consolidate grammar knowledge Focus Skills: FORM: Mastering the rules of English grammar FUNCTION: Recognizing the ways to apply the grammar rules Identifying the difference of the confusing grammar items