eClass Concepts for Secondary Schools
The solution designed for secondary/high (year/grade 7-12) consists of a comprehensive administration system, school portal, portfolio system and LMS with powerful and interactive eLearning tools.

The eClass Integrated Platform is the core of the solution. The platform can integrate with all other eClass modules. Teachers and administrative staff don't need sophisticated skills in order to use the platform, but can easily enjoy their power to build, deploy, and manage teaching and learning. The platform essentially helps raising administrative efficiency, teaching effectiveness and learning flexibility and strengthens the communication with parents. Upon implementing eClass IP, the school will be provided with professional user training, technical support and consultation services.

Implement online teaching and learning

  • Teachers can manage and create e-learning content, teaching resources and various assessment tools to meet students’ needs. They can also review relevant data to understand students’ learning progress and adjust the curriculum to take care of the differences in learning abilities.


Enhance administrative efficiency 

  • eClass IP digitizes all figures and data. It becomes more convenient to search for information and draw up reports.


Encourage collaboration and exchange of ideas 

  • In a school, students and teachers get together to form different social groups, such as the extra-curricular activity groups. They often need a decent space for information sharing, and it can be found on eClass IP, where group members can use communicative tools to share their ideas on the Internet outside of regular meetings.


Better communication between schools and parents

  • Busy parents often find it hard to follow their children's school lives. eClass IP provides a very helpful way for parents to stay in touch with the school without time or space constraints. They can hence understand children better to provide appropriate assistance.


Build a student learning profile

  • Centralized information and data on the Integrated Platform provide the schools with students’ performance in and out of the school throughout the years, their learning portfolios, individual students learning program etc. It enables the school to make a comprehensive assessment on students.
eClass IP & Related Products

Following are products and services available for secondary schools: